By far the safest way to change the supercharger pulley is to do it, or have it done for you on a shop press.
The snout will need to be removed from the blower but this can be done without any special tools other than something to suck the old oil out first.
This method also gives you the opportunity to replace the coupler and oil at the same time.

Tips when removing the snout:

* Be careful not to break the blower gasket thru to the plenum, try to un-stick the gasket from the base where the vertical bolt goes thru before pulling the snout forward. If it does break (and they often do) it’s OK as long as it hasn’t broken thru to the pressure and vacuum of the plenum, re-fit the broken piece on installation so the snout is clamped at the correct height.
*Try not to let the rotor pack come forward as the snout is removed or you may need to remove the rotors and re-seal the front plate.
* Use minimal sealer on both sides of the front plate on re-assembly, you don’t want it squeezing out into the rotors or drive gears.

Once the snout is removed the pulley can be pressed off using a bearing fixture.
Make sure everything is parallel and the pulley is supported as much as possible, they are very thin and distort easily. Use a piece of material smaller in diameter than the shaft so it will fit thru the pulley.
DO NOT press against the snout housing as this will dislodge the bearings, make a small tool to press against the shaft or drive dog only.
TTT pulleys and stealth hubs with pulley fitted, should be pressed on until the front face of the pulley is flush with the end of the shaft. We find holding the snout up side down with the new pulley on a flat plate the easiest way.

Changing the rear bearings requires hydraulic pressure behind the bearing to push them out.

You will need to use an extension piece for a grease nipple which can be made from an old pushrod. Tap a thread at one end to suit a grease nipple and use a die nut on the other end the same thread as you have tapped the access holes.

Once the blower is dismantled the next step is to tap a thread into the two access holes from the underside of the blower. 8.0mm or 5/16″ to match your grease nipple extension.

The next step is to slightly dislodge the bearing from its seated position by using a stepped shaft to knock the bearing in a little. Strike on the front edge of the bearing only, do not damage the rear of the bearing case.

Screw the grease nipple into the hole and use a grease gun to fill the cavity behind the bearing with grease until the pressure is high enough to dislodge the bearing.

New bearings should be pressed in straight, using a snug fitting stepped shaft applying pressure to the front edge of the bearing only.

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