Ford crossflow 4.1 ltr six cylinder powered Ford Anglia
Thought a few of you might like to follow the build on this old drag car being built by Kustom Bitz to help develop new parts and have a bit of fun at the same time.
You can also find up to date build pics and other info on Kustom Bitz on facebook
When first bought home
Originally as far as I can tell it ran a 4 cylinder at some time, however it had been set up for a Valiant Hemi 245 / 265 six cylinder but was never completed to be able to run and was poorly converted so a rebuild was in order anyway. Being a Ford it needs a Ford engine so the best power maker in the Ford six cylinder range is the humble 4.1 ltr crossflow engine with its free flowing heads and clevo valve train. For a start we are going to try a junk engine fitted with an AussieSpeed supercharger kit and go and thrash it, but it has to be safe, go straight, not fall apart, and be relatively cheap [if that’s possible].